April 23, 2010


正当公司开始要肯定我的时候,我开始变得有点懒惰了. 发现自己真的是很懒散到不行的人。。最好什么都不用做,做的东西不用累人的~ 我也知道不可能,只是抒发自己的近况。
明天去MANHAND concert,我会随带我的新相机,发现新相机、新镜头。


SuGarfRee said...

Same as me...I also very lazy n hope dont need to work for anything just lay on my bed n wait for die. haha...It this ur new camera? If is, I also want to buy it...I like this kind of camera. hehe...

Kimberlame said...

of cuz not my camera lah... my 1 is dslr...