November 19, 2009

JobsDB - English Assessment

他妈的,刚刚打得快完了的文章,不知怎的突然window整个关掉~ Restore回去的时候,已经全部消失了~~~而且还是英文的。因为很值得高兴,我的部落格竟然来了一位“红毛人”,也多了一个follower!第一个外国人加入我的blog,我真的很开心~~

我要分享! 刚刚JobsDB捎来了我的信箱,3 new jobs - Job Alert from! 我看到了Fun Maker and Child Friendly Photographer's Assistant 这个工作! 很吸引人,也很得意!我的脑海里第一个出现的就是张瑜凌!再来看看,“” 这里就是这份工作的相关内容!这工作最吸引我的地方就是可以和小孩子接触!还有当photographer的助理!

我在想,如果瑜凌还在这里,我一定要她和我一起去apply! 我当然有申请!当然是part time~ 要我当full time,那就太远了,因为要跑去1-U呃~

还有,我刚刚申请这份工作,突然出现了JobsDB的英文测验!Wat a SHIT??! 40题我对了24题,最高分还是我的理解文还有忘了是什么。刚消失的英文篇我有抄下来所有我的成绩,还有compare with other test task takers的人!重点是,怎么现在的工作要申请还要那么麻烦?还要测试英文水平到哪里!!为什么不加入中文或者BM的测试呢?如果那么业主就可以知道到底我哪一个比较强,至少不会只看到英文。那很不公平~ 英文虽然重要,但也不至于只偏袒英文、重视英文吧?~~~~ 焖烧~~~~~~~

November 17, 2009

Yoga + part time watress

I read a novel, said, "在中古世纪,有一种房间,里面摆满了各种奇怪的金属器具,人们利用那些器具来严刑逼供,使犯人的身心遭受极大的痛苦与折磨,这种房间,人们称之为酷刑考问室。到了21世纪,相同的房间被改称为“健身房”,而且人们还捧着大把钞票,进去使用那些奇怪的器具。 That's me!! hahaha... 今天我又回来上yoga课,已经一个月没有回去了。这次的课比上次来得一点难。我总是做到一半就会头晕,所以这时候我就会选择离开课堂,上个厕所还是喝口水~虽然yoga对身体好,但要是让自己喘不过气来,就不对了。不是吗?
Tangy Jane! Last week i've been worked as waitress in your primary school!! The new hall is really big and and i think the decoration is ok. But thw biggest thing is, the hall's wall is empty, you know why? There's nth with a clock!! HIn Hua HIgh School's hall have a bigger clock there, but how cum KONG HOE primary new hall doesn't has a clock? I keep asking the Jazz Beer guy wat's the time now? Hey Tangy, can you pls help tell this to ur mum? I think is a goof feedback~~ hehehe... The time is really slowly tat day.......
Oh, yeah, i worked as waitress( but actually is waitress+model) for 9th Telok Gong's business association dinner! Tat day have 10 models(waitress) for this event, we serve those guests with Jazz Beer, frm 6.30pm-11pm, RM120. B4 start the service, we all gals were standing front the entrance door with a friendly smile to the guests. I 1st time do this kind of BIG EVENT job, actually is juz a beer waitress , but we have to wore a little black dress with fully make-up! Yeah! Plus high heels! This fucking high heels really make my fingers going numb, no feeling afta the event. HOw pity was me! Not me, and oso v those 9 pretty waitress!
我想我真的不适合在这样的工作环境混口饭吃.对于一些草莓族(我也是),赚快钱,享受身穿美衣兼有机会上报纸的人来说,这绝对是非常适合. 但,真的很累,尤其你还要穿高跟鞋走来走去替人倒酒!起初还觉得新奇.我看到其他的美妹真的很美,很瘦,有一个给我的印象是她很亲切也比较自动(醒目),我好奇他们那么美,那么瘦,为什么不去接正式的工作或其他的秀。那个唯一比较醒目的美妹有和我聊到了几句,原来他正式个freelance model,现在的agent好的都很难找,所以她这次也才会做这个工作。她和我一样,第一次做这个“倒酒”的工作。哈哈哈哈。。。 我当然不一样,我真的很缺钱,没有工作,所以只好找pt job了~