November 10, 2009


有一段很长的时间都没有把刘海给剪短了。我之所以会想再把它留长是因为那样给人感觉比较有女人味,即便是看起来会比较成熟,我不介意,重点是“女人味”。前几天我看到Jenjarom开了一间新的理发店,于是我今天怀着忐忑不安的心情考虑是否要把它给剪了。于是我想到,从前的时候我就是留着一头的长直发加上看起来很“妹妹”、很“日本妹”的刘海,而且那时候的我感觉上比较有异性缘,呵呵~ 于是我下定决心,剪!当然,我这次的刘海并不是从前那样平那么顺而且还是眉毛之上(一开始),这回那理发师帮我剪的是参差不平、而且要往左、往右或是平行都行。你知道吗?一开始我当然很不舍得,但是多看几眼,真的回到20岁那样,我就知道我不能剪刘海,真的看起来很年轻,我指的是很小妹的感觉,天~ 我整个人从头到脚给人的感觉都是很成熟的,事隔那么久又重回昔日之young(样),真的不能接受,但其实也蛮高兴,因为没有之前想的那么稚气,说道完,我其实还是觉得满开心的。哦,对了,要介绍一下,这间理发店的名字叫”Ben’s Hair Studio”,理发师的名字也是叫“笨”Ben,哈哈哈哈。。。 嗯,他的人还不错,不会一脸耍帅耍cool的大师样,打扮也普通。现在我要等的,就是让头发留长!那时候的我,就真的会是很女人味哦!嘻嘻嘻。。。(暗自偷笑)

P/s: Hearing the song of “Stereophonics-Maybe tomorrow”
I've been down and
I'm wondering why
These little black clouds
Keep walking around
With me
With me
It wastes time
And I'd rather be high
Think I'll walk me outside
And buy a rainbow smile
But be free
They're all free
So maybe tomorrow
I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow
I'll find my way home
I look around at a beautiful life
Been the upperside of down
Been the inside of out
But we breathe
We breathe
I wanna breeze and an open mind
I wanna swim in the ocean
Wanna take my time for me
All me
So maybe tomorrow
I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow
I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow
I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow
I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow
I'll find my way home
So maybe tomorrow
I'll find my way home


炸醬麵 Lup said...

lame~ post pics to show us~ XP
wanna see ur 'little girl' look~

Kimberlame said...

okok,,, pls be patient~ hehe..

SuGarfRee said...

Show us the pic show us the pic...I dont care I dont care...I want pic I want pic...haha...looking forward for ur cute mei mei hair