September 13, 2009


天姬,当你看到我写这篇日记的时候正是这里的凌晨4.02am. 可以很确信的一件事情就是我、你和慧珊都还没睡。是的,天姬,你真的在朋友身上花了一笔可观的金钱!我们一个轮着一个发现手上袋子里的东西原来藏着了你给我们的礼物。你真的很“脚滑”!不过我真的没想到里面都是生活上的琐碎事情,而你等着给我们今天的惊喜。Bobbi Brown, 我真的没有想到,所以很感动。



我今天都在赶做2本我们的照片相簿给你,所以我没有空去你的家scan我们的大头贴。对不起咯~ 我知道你不会介意的。 哈哈哈。。。 虽然做得草率了一些,但是我还是有花心思去做的,希望你真的会喜欢,而且要好好照顾它。

我会觉得没有了你日子就会变得乏闷,没有人陪看不同的电影、没有得逛、没有得分享新电影、没有得看闹笑话、没有得被你影响生活。还记得当初我说想放弃读书时,你是第一个打来要我继续读。还有,虽然我当part time model show不多,但是你是唯一来陪我一起来一整天的人,唯一来陪我、支持我、做我的朋友、做台下观众以及帮我拍照的人!你是万能!所以“有万能,有惊喜”是真的对的。

How you now? R u staring at a point there? Or are you still missing us? Ur family and friends or you are thinking about your tomorrow? Hey, take care yourself, we now have to keep communication through this internet, no matter is FB, Friendster, Blogspot or Msn… Must Keep up date all your daily stuff there! Okay? Promise me.

Yea, don’t forget to open your SpongeBob’s pendrive, I’ve saved you the Mp3 cutter, King soft power word 2007 and the BEST English songs for ya. All those English songs were I got from my Multiply friend’s web pages. All are less to hear in Malaysia, but is more known in Europe there. Like Oasis, Lily Allen, the nice Goldfrap, the Diana queen’s favorites band called Duran Duran. And what I would like to recommend you The Tings Tings, The Verve- Bitter sweet, Hot Chip- Boy from school, Bat for Lashes- Daniel

Hope you all the best there leh, must be FUCKING enjoy the taking a very good care there! And lucky to meet a good guy there! Wow! Wahaha…. xD


$6000 said...

she is the one friend that always touch our heart...

$6000 said...

she is the one freind that always touch our heart