Feel tired for last 2 days working at PWTC as an assistant for helping Tainwanese businessman. I REALLY LEARNT a lot. Tis was da 2nd time i worked for taiwanese. I realise tat taiwanese really got the talent in business. Especially woman. They r so ASADI, they care abt how to earn more, how to cooperate v local distributors, they look forward for future sussess... I like to work v tiz kind of fair frm overseas, cuz at the same time i get to noe local businessman, rich ppl... Ez to recognice.. The important is they will invite u go for the company.. namecards... contact numbers.. BUt im not interesting in COsmetics or beauty,, haha! By the way, i;m still is looking for job now. Mayb can try~ Juz considering...
And today i was hanging out to waching movie alone. "Obssessed" is a new movie. Beyonce. I lke her. The movie as nice as i aspect. It is abt 1 man affair within 2 womans fighting. Really enjoyed, cuz Beyonce was acting so great, i think. Brave woman, Beyonce clearing the bad woman, she hits the woman, fighting! Finally she won, of curze. Relationship is need to move forward no matter how hard, PATIENT and TRUSTWORTHINESS!
Over.. Is over. Juz over. .
Over.. Is over. Juz over. .